A new prospective client recently stated I need an agency that will not just send someone out to read to us!
Funny as that sounds for a couple that really needs help, it is true of what one agency provided. They were incapable of providing real care because like many, they probably hired off the street, trained with some videos or one day in class and sent these poor unprepared new hires out to perform care.
This is a trend in many in-home care agencies lately. Many have become primarily a marketing or sales organization. They write great telephone sales scripts to get you locked in and pay thousands for professional websites and even TV advertising. But their caregivers are paid minimum wage, minimally trained or sometimes not and sent into client’s homes to survive on a job they are not prepared for. Many of the agencies advertise complicated or new programs that have nothing to do with the care of your loved one. They are distractions to justify charging more per hour. Some of these are reading or entertaining your loved one in some special manner. All good caregivers will do this without the need for some special chargeable skill.
Another marketing trick agencies have started to use is technology to make up for lack of recruiting ability, organizational or practical skills in caregivers. Such things as cameras or software checklists. Again, the good hiring of good caregivers who have chosen professional in-home care as a career and doing it for years does not need any of these tools.
True care agencies put emphasis on the caregiver almost as much as the client. Time and effort are spent on good recruiting. Caregivers usually have years of experience are certified, employees with all insurance and AZ/Federal taxes paid. They are paid above the industry average and supported by a professional staff. They have experience in all types of care and the tools necessary to perform their job. They can move easily from memory care to Hospice care and then disabled care on a daily basis. These caregivers are professionals and proud to be doing what they do on a daily basis.
When you are dealing with peoples lives you cannot shortcut quality of care or the caregivers providing it.